CAPP Resources
As CAPP-Canada develops resources that are more specific to the Canadian context, they will be listed or linked here.
Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation (Vatican City)
Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice is a pontifical foundation. Pope John Paul II established the "Fondazione Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice" on 13 June 1993 along with lay Catholic business, academic and professional leaders. The Foundation is a lay-led non-profit organisation.
The CAPP website (in Italian & English) offers extensive resources, including links to CAPP affiliates in many countries.
Digital Library of Papal Encyclicals of Catholic Social Doctrine
The CAPP Foundation website provides links to all the Papal Encyclicals articulating Catholic Social Doctrine, beginning with Rerum Novarum (1891).
CAPP Foundation Youtube Channel
A library of videos of past conferences, talks, papal audiences, etc.
Dictionary of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Italian, with translation to English ongoing
The Dictionary of Social Doctrine of the Church. The new things of the XXI century is an open access portal by the University Centre of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. It aims to reach all those who are interested in understanding the challenges of the present in the light of the Church’s social teaching, enhancing our University’s interdisciplinary research. It is the result of a project that updates the volume that the University Centre had published with the publishing house Vita e Pensiero in 2004. The new Dictionary is on-going and it will be enriched quarterly with new contributions that will be included into the issues of the open access online journal which has the same name.
CAPP-USA is the U.S. Affiliate of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation.
The CAPP-USA website (in English) offers many resources.
Indigenous Catholic Research Fellowship
The Indigenous Catholic Research Fellowship is a North American organization, incorporated in the US and Canada, that has, as a core part of its mission, "Indigenous-Catholic Solidarity on Subsidiarity, Human Dignity and Common Good."