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CAPP-Canada Virtual Launch

Bring your Leadership to our Mission!
Watch the video of the virtual launch the Canadian Chapter of the International Organization founded by Pope St. John Paul II
17 September 2022
Who are we and what is our mission?


  • Established by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1993, and supported, promoted, and relied on, by him and his successors, the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation is a unique Vatican-based lay-run international foundation, established “Pro Pontifice” (for the Pope). We are a Canadian chapter of this foundation.

  • Our mission is to help transform our society through a deeper understanding, integration, and application of Catholic Social Doctrine’s core principles of human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity.

  • Our mission also includes support for Papal charities, directed to urgent needs as they arise. For example, CAPP is currently supporting a special appeal for Papal charities in Ukraine. 


Who is this for?



  • Aspiring, emerging, or established lay leaders who wish to join us in responding more deeply to Christ’s call to be salt of the earth, and to do so precisely within the context of their own lay professions. 

  • All people of goodwill, who seek sources of mutual support for responding to, and applying, the universal call to truth, beauty, and goodness placed in our hearts by the Creator.


Why should I attend?


  • You seek holistic principles for assessing the strengths and shortcomings of current  or new ways of responding to contemporary Canadian political, economic, social, cultural, and ethical issues.

  • You seek to discern not only the challenges, but also the opportunities that are emerging in ways unique to our time and context.

  • You want to join, cultivate and support strong, committed Catholic lay leaders, who  bring the richness of their faith to public life and who constructively apply the principles of human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity to the ever-emerging challenges and opportunities of our rapidly changing world. 

  • Human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity as Catholic principles with more than a century of elaboration and validation are an exciting and compelling resource in helping you: 

    • to articulate, strengthen, and amplify your efforts of living out the Gospel in everyday life;

    • to cultivate your conscience and inform your actions;

    • to identify and avoid reductive readings of the Gospel that seek to place it at the service of narrower and often partisan ideologies of one kind or another;

    • to promote and practice solidarity among more diverse and remote Canadian populations.

  • On Fridays and during Lent, Catholics and Christians around the world are invited to intensify their practice of the corporal and spiritual acts of mercy. The promotion and deeper application of Catholic Social Teaching has been affirmed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as a distinctive, modern “third act of mercy.”  

    • For example, to give shelter to the homeless is among the seven traditional and necessary corporal acts of mercy. To prevent homelessness by bringing our social, cultural, political, and economic milieux and practices into greater conformity with the Gospel is the goal of contemporary Catholic Social Teaching. 


©2020 CAPP-Canada

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