Summer 2024 has been an exciting one for the team at CAPP Canada, as we underwent an application, interview, and recruiting process for our inaugural Lumen Gentium Forum. Launched at the Saint Monica Institute conference in November 2023, the Lumen Gentium Forum is a new fellowship program for young Catholic professionals in the Greater Toronto Area ages 25-40, and one of CAPP Canada's signature program. These Fellows will undergo a one-year adventure of intellectual, spiritual and apostolic formation in Catholic social doctrine and virtuous leadership principles. Through the experience of the fellowship, which culminates in a commissioning retreat, Fellows will explore the mission God is calling them to undertake through their professional work in the secular world, and how to fulfill their calling to spread Gospel values throughout our society in their own unique way.
We are excited to announce that 19 extraordinary, emerging Catholic leaders (bios online after September 19 @ https://lumenforum.ca/fellows) have been selected for the inaugural cohort of the Lumen Gentium Forum. This cohort is an extraordinary group of young professionals already making a significant impact in their fields, including law, medicine, business, education, entrepreneurship, and more. You can read more about each Fellow and their professional journey so far at the link above.
The Lumen Gentium Fellows will gather for the first time at our inaugural meeting in mid-September. Each meeting will begin with Eucharistic adoration, followed by dinner, small group discussions about each month's readings, and talks by senior Catholic leaders. We're excited that our speakers for this inaugural meeting will be Dr. Cecil Chabot, co-coordinator of CAPP Canada, and Mr. Jeff Lockert, President of Catholic Christian Outreach. Their talks will offer an inspiring introduction to Catholic social doctrine and virtuous leadership, and why it's so critical for our Fellows to study and implement these principles.
At the heart of the Lumen Gentium Forum is Jesus Christ. Throughout the journey, Fellows will have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with Him, turn to Him for guidance on their personal and professional mission, and understand with greater clarity His will for their lives. Through this program, we hope to form a new generation of lay apostolic leaders who will set the world on fire through their love of God and zeal for the Church's mission.
Spiritual intercession is critical for this. That's why we are so excited to share that nine contemplative orders from across Canada have agreed to pray for our Fellows throughout the year and at each monthly meeting. As well, CAPP's Ecclesiastical Counsellor, Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal, will be offering a Mass intention for the Fellows the day of each monthly meeting. In your charity, we invite you as well to pray for the fruitfulness of the Forum experience, and for each of our Fellows. Thank you!
To learn more about the Lumen Gentium Forum, you can visit the program website at www.LumenForum.ca.