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"Moral Courage and Leadership in Challenging Times" : Inaugural CAPP-Canada Symposium

CAPP-Canada held its inaugural symposium in Toronto on November 10 and 11 in partnership with the Saint Monica Institute of the Archdiocese of Toronto.

On Friday, November 10, after a dinner gathering, CAPP-Canada members, volunteers and friends joined other guests at the University of Toronto’s Newman Centre for an evening talk and discussion on “Moral Courage and Leadership in Challenging Times." Keynote speaker, Fr. Daniel Utrecht, shared insights from his biography on Blessed Clemens Graf von Galen; then, after showing a brief clip from “A Hidden Life” — Terrence Malick’s film on the life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter — Dr. Cecil Chabot, one of CAPP-Canada’s two Coordinators, engaged Fr. Utrecht in a discussion about these models of moral courage and leadership, who opposed Hitler; their knowledge and application of Catholic Social Teaching (von Galen’s great-uncle had a profound influence on the writing of Rerum Novarum); and their relevance for our times. The evening finished with a reception generously hosted by the Newman Centre.

The following day, CAPP-Canada teamed up with the Saint Monica Institute for their annual conference. Organized by one of CAPP-Canada’s members, Matthew Marquardt, Director of SMI, this full day of presentations and discussions included presentations by CAPP Canada members on various aspects of Catholic Social Teaching.

The new Lumen Gentium Forum (a joint CAPP-Canada - Saint Monica Institute initiative) was formally launched, with a call for applicants to this program, which aims to form young Catholic professionals in Catholic Social Teaching and Virtuous Leadership.


©2020 CAPP-Canada

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